You’re having intense discussions about whom to invite to your barbecue? God, I hope that’s not true.Color me "Deeply Concerned."]
[Update: President now "considering" not inviting. Sigh. What's with the nuance with this administration, already?! It's like they have their own outrage-0-meter: Sort-of-kinda-upset<-->Very troubled<-->Deeply Concerned<-->Considering No Party Invite. Sheesh!]
I'm sorry, but to still consider inviting Iranian entourage to anything celebrating our independance and freedom, is just asking for bipartisan non-support. It's naive at best. I won't be rude and say what's at worst. Another episode of brutality emerged today. When is the right time to step back and say, "We do not support the actions of the Iranian regime." How much more do they have to do? Are we talking Neville Chamberlain (famous for appeasement foreign policy) here?
Obama is more concerned about perceptions than what is in reality right. Is it right for a parent to never discipline (not abuse) a child simply because they may be perceived as an abuser? I'm telling you right now, that it doesn't matter if some parents don't abuse their child, the child may still claim it to be so. There are other facts to be considered in any situation.
To a point, perceptions matter. David Letterman making a joke about a young girl went over horridly, for example. He didn't mean to imply what he did, but he should have considered how it would come across.
That's just it. You need to strike a balance between what other think and courage of conviction.
It's not meddling in foreign affairs to tell the Iranian regime what they are doing is wrong and that actions have consequences. Actions of previous administrations (Carter, mostly, and Clinton) gave the perception of a paper tiger, and we were attacked on numerous times. Until Bush said enough was enough and called a spade a spade.
Disinvite the Iranians, Mr President. It's OK to admit when Bush was right. You will most likely still give people the perception that he was wrong more often than he was right. You can do it!
"But the torch of liberty is hot. It warms those who hold it high. It burns those who try to extinguish it."
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